
WWII US Infantry Multipose Starter Set 1:32

WWII US Infantry Multipose Starter Set 1:32

Airfix Starter Sets are ideal for beginners. Large Starter Sets are perfect for gifts or to build yourself once you have mastered the basics. Each Large Starter Set includes glue, two brushes and six acrylic paints.

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17,00 €

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Entering the war in late 1941, the first time American troops faced the enemy in the Western campaign was in North Africa in 1942. However, it was not until Italy in 1943 and the invasion of Normandy in 1944 that they faced the Wehrmacht on the Western Front. Well equipped with automatic M1 Garand rifles and Thompson sub-machine guns, the average American infantryman was a tough adversary who won the respect of his German opponents. 

These six multipose figures are perfect for interactive display with both the British and German Infantry.

Paint Scheme - WWII U.S. Infantry

Масштаб 1:32
Общее количество деталей 110
Бренд Airfix
Артикул (SKU) A55212